Cash For Your House! Here’s How.
Our Exclusive 3-Step Fast Cash Home Buying Program.
We eliminate the Fluff! No Agents – No Commissions – No Repairs.
Uncomplicate things with our 3-Step Fast Cash Home Buying Program.

Sell Your House The Easy Way.
Explained: The 3-Step Fast Cash Home Buying Program
Hi there, I am Garrett, and I am the Owner and Buying Manager at Fast Charleston House Buyer. We buy any property AS-IS in Charleston, Dorchester & Berkeley County SC. I will be your guide, walking you through the entire process getting your no-obligation, all-cash offer started. Don’t worry, it is all free without any cost involved and without any obligation to accept any offer we make you. If you would rather talk to a live person, feel free to call me at my direct line at (843) 790-8804

Send Us Some Info

Just fill in the form below, and you’re all set! We’ll get the process started.

We’ll Get In Touch

We’ll call you and make an appointment. Virtual walk-throughs available.

Get Your Cash

If you like our offer, simply set a closing date & get your cash at closing.
Get Started Now! Your Cash Offer Awaits!
Now buying anywhere in Charleston, Dorchester & Berkeley County. No realtors, no fees, no commissions, no repairs & no cleaning. We buy AS-IS. Get Your No-Obligation All Cash Offer Started Below!

Get Started Now! Your Cash Offer Awaits!
Now buying anywhere in Charleston, Dorchester & Berkeley County. No realtors, no fees, no commissions, no repairs & no cleaning. We buy AS-IS. Get Your No-Obligation All Cash Offer Started Below!Told You… Easy As 
This explains the basic steps involved, but what exactly can I expect? I want more details about the Exclusive 3-Step Fast Cash Buying Program!
Ok, Coming Up…
To sell your home fast for cash in Charleston and the surrounding area, we encourage you to educate yourself before you decide your best options. Both on the process of selling to us but also on all your selling options.
What follows next is a fully detailed explanation on how the entire house buying process works from beginning to end. Please read through this as this article will make you the expert on the topic.
How To Sell A House Fast To A Cash Home Buyer
The Exclusive 3-Step Fast Cash Home Buying Program Advantage

Selling your house can be overwhelming with a lot of confusing moving parts, especially when you need it sold fast. By selling your house for cash, you can uncomplicate the whole situation and drastically speed up the sale. This guide will give you the step by step details of the entire process and benefits of selling your house for cash to a cash home buyer like FastCharlestonHouseBuyer from start to finish.
Here’s What We Will Cover:
⦁ What Is A Cash Home Buyer?
⦁ Are They Reputable? How to verify through their website, reviews, projects & accreditation.
⦁ Cash Home Buyer Vs Agent: Money & Time Benefits Selling to a Cash Buyer.
⦁ Show Me The Money! Real Life Cash Offer Example in Detail
The Cash Home Buyer Explained.

A cash home buyer is a person or business (typically a real estate investor), that is interested in buying your house for cash without the need of a loan from a bank or 3rd party financial institution. They are in fact buying your property with their own cash as an investment. As they are providing their own money, they are the final decision makers. No Agents, no inspections, no repairs, no committees, no additional approvals. This is how and why the process can go so fast when you use a Cash Home Buyer. Eliminate the fluff and middlemen.
you are dealing with a reputable Home Buyer capable of closing the deal? Check out Section 2: Are They Reputable?
Are They Reputable? Reviews? Projects?
Not All Cash Home Buyers Are The Same.
Have you heard the old adage, “Trust, But Verify?” Well…not so fast in this business . Better to Verify first and then Trust can and should be earned.
⦁ Visit their website: What you are looking for is transparency with a neat, clean and professional website. They should give clear explanations and walk you through their process in a professional manner. If they can’t bother with a professional website with clear explanations of their process and intent, then this reflects directly how they plan to do business and may not be the best fit for you.
⦁ Check out their Closed Projects Page: Have they closed on any property in your area? Remember, a Cash Home Buyer is an investor. Do they have any projects they are working on or completed? This will help determine that they are active buyers, actually close, and people in your community repeatedly do business with them.
⦁ Reviews, Accreditation & Industry Leader: You of course want to check out their Reviews Page on their site and see what other clients have to say about them. But what else can you check? Better Business Bureau Accreditation is an excellent 3rd party verification that you are dealing with a reputable business. Also, are you dealing with an Industry Leader in the Home Buying Field? Have they been written up in the local or national media such as FOX, CBS, ABC or NBC as being reputable and an authority in local cash Home Buying?
Ok, you have found a reputable Cash Home Buyer but why not just use the traditional Local Real Estate Agent? In the next Section, we will weigh your options and examine both.

Cash Home Buyer vs. Local Agent
Which One Is Better?
It is always a good idea to look at your options and see what will actually help you best reach your goals with the sale of your house. While you may be able to get a higher “top line” sales price listing with a local Charleston agent, that doesn’t always boil down to more money in your pocket or less headache after all the fees and months it takes to sell. Take a look at the benefits of saving both time and money selling to a Cash Home Buyer vs listing with an Agent.

Work The Numbers And Benefits…What’s the right fit for you?
When you start to work the numbers, you will really start to see the numerous benefits that selling to a Cash Home Buyer can offer. A faster, easier, and less stressful close that may just get you more money in your pocket.
⦁ From offer to close and cash in your hand in as little as 30 days or less:
Get rid of that headache of a property fast. No more utility payments, tax payments, insurance payments, mortgage payments…you get the point. If you list your property with an Agent, you will wait 90+ days to close… How much will that cost you each month in your ongoing expenses as you wait…and wait…and wait to close?
⦁ Don’t Fix or Clean a Thing:
You do not have to worry about fixing anything or even cleaning your house ever again. We will buy it AS IS. We don’t care how often you clean (we’ve seen worse!) Does your house need a ton of repairs? We love fixing places up so it is no problem at all!
⦁ No annoying closing fees (we’ve got you covered):
Because we are a full-service professional home buyer, we make it easy for you. We pay for all of the closing costs like the attorney and title insurance. What we offer you is what you get (of course minus any encumbrances on the property like a mortgage). Pretty refreshing, eh?
So when you add up the time you could save by working with Fast Charleston House Buyer, the no-hassle experience, and the money you’ll save on commissions, fees, and holding costs while you wait to sell the traditional route… for many homeowners, selling to a professional house buyer is the best viable option.
Want to know how much your cash offer will be? You can either click the “Get My Cash Offer Now!” link below, and we can get started on your offer today or head to Section 4 where we will walk you through step by step a Real Life Cash Offer Example in Detail.

Show Me The Money: Real Life Cash Offer Example
How Do You Determine The Offer Price?
One of the most significant differentiators between Cash Home Buyers, and the one that likely matters to you most, is The Cash Offer. The offer amount and the method used to arrive at your offer often differ significantly between Cash Home Buyers. This is why we created the Exclusive 3-Step Fast Cash Buying Program that allows us to collect all the information we need that in turn ensures we give you the highest and best offer right from the start – no low ball offers – it’s based on real math:

Send Us Some Info

Just fill in the form below, and you’re all set! We’ll get the process started.

We’ll Get In Touch

We’ll call you and make an appointment. Virtual walk-throughs available.

Get Paid!

If you like our offer, simply set a closing date & get your cash at closing.
Step 1: Send Us Some Info – This allows us to start the Exclusive 3-Step Fast Cash Home Buying Program. When you give us the property address, we are able to look up basic features such as the neighborhood, bedroom count, square footage, and number of bathrooms. We then perform the Sales Comparison Approach (SCA) which is simply looking at the sales of similar properties in your neighborhood, comparing features and condition, and calculating the value. We want to find specifically property in your neighborhood that has received a recent top down renovation like the kind you see on HGTV. This will tell us the maximum amount your property may be worth once renovated despite whatever condition it may be in currently. This is called the After Repair Value (ARV) – more on this later. But filling out a simple form doesn’t give us the whole picture. That is why we need you in Step 2.

Step 2: We’ll Get in Touch – Basic property information is a great start, but we need your help by asking you some questions about the condition of the property and either doing an in person walk through or a virtual tour through Facetime or Zoom. We are now trying to determine how much renovation is needed to make it look like that HGTV neighbor we were talking about in Step 1. A house that was fully renovated with a new kitchen, new bathrooms, new roof, new central heat & air where the homeowner spent 10s of thousands of dollars on a remodel will be worth a lot more vs a house that may not have been updated in 30 years and has a lot of repairs. And maybe your house falls somewhere in the middle, but we have to know.
Step 3: Get Paid! – Yup, it is offer time just like that in 3 easy steps. We are often able to make you an offer during the walk through or in less than 24 hours after we crunch a few numbers. Now that we know the condition of the property, we can calculate the amount of repairs needed, our standard profit margin (we are in the business of making money after all), and other expenses for the renovation.
Putting It All Together For The Offer:

Step 1: Told us the After Repair Value (ARV) – What is your home worth if HGTV came in and totally remodeled it (that’s us!). Your neighbor did just that and their place sold for $220,000 for example.
Step 2: Told us how much it is going to take in renovation costs to get the home to that point. We also know our standard profit margin and costs associated when we go to resell the property. We share ALL of this with you!
Step 3: Allows us to put all these numbers into an easy to follow spreadsheet that we share with you so we can make you an offer. We show you what the home is worth AS-IS if you sold with a Realtor and all your costs and fees when selling with a Realtor. Then we show you what we can offer:
The Formula Revealed:
Your Offer = After Repair Value (HGTV Renovation) – (Repairs, Profit & Costs When We Sell)
That’s It! Easy as. The offer is 100% based on real math and has nothing to do with low-balling clients or picking a price out of thin air and seeing if you bite.
Want to see a real life example? I thought you would never ask…

The proof is in the Math. As you can see, we play by the numbers. Since the property needs a good bit of repairs (in this example $50,000 of renovation which is very realistic), we will be able to offer $110,000. Guess what? If the property needs that much repair, who do you think is going to buy it when the Realtor lists it? Yeah….an Investor. Well you already found an investor and we all use the same spreadsheet! Additionally, you will not make any more money selling with a Realtor regardless, so why go through all the headache and waiting…and waiting…and stress of waiting?
But check this out, it could be even better. What if your house is actually in better condition and only needs $30,000 of repairs? Well now we can offer you $130,000 which is way more than the open market!
See…we do not make offers based on how desperate you may or may not be. We don’t base offers on some percentage of the After Repaired Value (that is ludicrous). We simply add the numbers up trying our best to give you the highest possible offer we can make you, to make sure you will be happy, and make sure the contract will be signed so that we can get our next project going! Makes sense doesn’t it!?

Get Started Now! Your Cash Offer Awaits!
Now buying anywhere in Charleston, Dorchester & Berkeley County. No realtors, no fees, no commissions, no repairs & no cleaning. We buy AS-IS. Get Your No-Obligation All Cash Offer Started Below!Why Our Offers Are Better.
We base our offers on real math backed up by a spreadsheet showing you all the ins and outs of the process. Complete transparency. We value your house as if it were completely fixed up and updated. Yes we figure out how much your house would be worth if it was completely updated – HGTV Makeover Style. Then we factor in the cost it would take to fix or update your home.

As we demonstrated in the example above, the cost of repairs is very important. The lower the cost of repairs, the more money we can offer you.
The good news for you is that we do all of our renovation work in house. That’s right…we ARE General Contractors as well and have 9 full time people working for us that do nothing but renovate houses. We don’t have to pay for expensive outside renovation or trades…and that means we can make higher offers to you.

Why do we go out of our way to give you the highest possible offer?
Well, we need to keep all those people working, and we do this full time as a local family business. If we can give you more than our competitors can, you will sell to us. And that is what we want. We are looking to stay busy with many deals that are fair for everyone involved.
We have a lot of different buying options for any scenario if needed:
⦁ Buy Direct – We pay cash and buy from your directly
⦁ Investor Network – We have been doing real estate investment in Charleston since the 1970s and know a large number of other cash Investors. Sometimes we work with them in order to get you the absolute best price for your property.
⦁ Seller Financing – Perfect solution for folks with low or no equity. There is still a way to sell your property without taking a huge loss by bringing money to the closing table.
⦁ Agent Deal – Yes, there are times where the best course of action is for you to list on the open market. We will always be honest with you on listening to your needs and then providing the best possible solution…even if it doesn’t involve us. We would recommend our personal Agent that is straightforward and reliable to guide you through the open market sales process.

We Are Cash Home Buyers In Charleston SC
FastCharlestonHouseBuyer buys houses in Charleston and the surrounding area, specifically Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley County SC. We are House Cash Buyers. We eliminate all the “Fluff” that comes with the traditional way of selling your house. There is an Easier, Faster & Better Way to sell your property. We buy property as is without the need for repairs or any waiting as we use our own cash to buy. We are not Agents so there are no agent fees or commissions. We are ready to buy your house right now and can close immediately! Fill out our form below to get the process started
We at FastCharlestonHouseBuyer value honesty, integrity and transparency. This is why we created our Exclusive 3-Step Fast Cash Buying Program in order to offer you the maximum amount for your property. Based on actual Math, not emotion, gut, pie in the sky numbers or to test out how low someone might go.
We can help hold your hand during every step of the process. We start by explaining exactly how it works, what to expect and what a realistic timeframe would be. If you need to sell your house fast in Charleston, we truly believe we are the best option! Remember, no repairs, no agent fees or commissions and we buy in any condition! Even if you are facing foreclosure we can help stop it. Don’t wait, give us a call!
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Cash Home Buyer Charleston SC – Cash Home Buyer North Charleston SC – Cash Home Buyer Summerville SC – Cash Home Buyer Goose Creek SC – Cash Home Buyer Moncks Corner SC – Cash Home Buyer Hanahan SC – Cash Home Buyer James Island SC – Cash Home Buyer Downtown Charleston SC – Cash Home Buyer West Ashley SC – Cash Home Buyer Mt. Pleasant SC – Cash Home Buyer Johns Island SC– Cash Home Buyer Ladson SC